Saturday, October 29, 2011


Putrajaya-20111026 by Adibi
Putrajaya-20111026, a photo by Adibi on Flickr.

Guess who?


Al-Manar said...

While visiting Pak Idrus I saw your visiting card and followed here to say hello to this facilities management consultant person. It all sounds Greek to me. Perhyaps I will learn a thing orv two.

I often wish I had acquired cycling as a hobby. So many of my friends at the university were cycling enthuthiasts and I thought they were crazy. Now I know better, when it is all a bit too late in the day. No I cannot starrt now, having commited to other things.

Salaam to you

Adib Noh said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and took time to write to me.I started cycling way back in 1989 and it did not take off very well because I don't have riding buddies.Only in August 2008,I became a regular weekend cyclist when I joined a group at Putrajaya.IMHO,it is not too late to cycle.During a weekend cycling trip to Melaka last weekend,a senior citizen of 74 years old joined us for an eleven km ride.Best regards.